
Make Your Own Crushed Red Pepper

My Hubs loves crushed red pepper, but what we buy is never good enough for him. It is not HOT enough. This year, I decided to grow and make my own peppers to make some HOT crushed red pepper flakes.

I used red chili peppers and tossed in some habanaro peppers to give it some omph. You know... Kick It Up A Notch!

I hung them to dry. I hung a lot more than you see here.

Once the peppers were dry, I put them into my food processor and chopped them to the size I wanted.

Another way I am making Crushed red pepper flakes is to pick the peppers, wash them and put them in the food processor then on a cookie sheet. I put them in the oven on low and let them dry for a few hours.

I like this method much better than having peppers hanging all over the place to dry.

The Hubs loves these. Finally he has crushed red pepper flakes that are hot enough for him.

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