
Make Your Own Hot Pepper ~ 5 Pepper Medley

Awhile back, I posted how to Make Your Own Crushed Red Pepper Bam!!  Hubs loved it, but it was so hot that he could not use much of it.   Soooo....  This year I have decided to make a 5 pepper medley.

We have Hot banana peppers, chili pepppers, cherry pepppers, habanaro peppers and jalapeno peppers.   Plus, I snuck in a ghost pepper or two.

I chop the peppers in my food chopper to make it so much easier 

I then pile the peppers on an alunimun foil covered cookie sheet and put them in the oven to dry.   I usually dry them anywhere at 200* to 225*.   When I am in a hurry, I turn the oven up.

 Here they are drying in the oven. 

So now that I have them all dried, I now grind them further in a coffee grinder that I bought just special to grind peppers.    You would not want to grind coffee after grinding hot pepers.... Can you imagine if you tried to drink it.  That would be one spicy cup of coffee.

This is what they look like after the coffee grinder.  you can grind them coarse of fine.   I did some of both but the Hubs seems to use the fine ground more so I will probably regrind the coarse.

I am not finished yet.  I try to use every part of the pepper there is.

The top of the pepper I put into my juicer to make pepper juice. 

We didn't get much liquid,  but to preserve the juice, we put a little bit of vinegar in, boiled it for about 10 minutes, then put it in a jar in the refridgerator.

Now for the stems!!
I put all my junk vegetables into a container and at the end of the day, I bury it in my garden for compost.

Waste Not, Want Not!!  

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